English:Hello / Hi🔄Catalan:Hola Hola | English:Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening🔄Catalan:Bon dia / Bona tarda / Bona tarda |
English:How are you?🔄Catalan:Com està s? | English:Nice to meet you🔄Catalan:Encantat de conèixer-te |
English:Goodbye / Bye🔄Catalan:Adéu / Adéu | English:See you later🔄Catalan:Et veig després |
English:Take care🔄Catalan:Cuida't | English:Have a nice day🔄Catalan:Que tinguis un bon dia |
English:Please🔄Catalan:Si us plau | English:Thank you🔄Catalan:Grà cies |
English:You're welcome🔄Catalan:Benvingut | English:Excuse me🔄Catalan:Disculpeu-me |
English:I'm sorry🔄Catalan:ho sento | English:No problem🔄Catalan:Cap problema |
English:Can you help me?🔄Catalan:Em pots ajudar? | English:Where is the bathroom?🔄Catalan:On és el lavabo? |
English:How much does this cost?🔄Catalan:Quant costa això? | English:What time is it?🔄Catalan:Quina hora es? |
English:Can you repeat that, please?🔄Catalan:Pot repetir això si us plau? | English:How do you spell that?🔄Catalan:Com es lletreja això? |
English:I would like...🔄Catalan:M'agradaria... | English:Can I have...🔄Catalan:Puc tenir... |
English:I need...🔄Catalan:Jo necessito... | English:I don't understand🔄Catalan:No ho entenc |
English:Could you please...🔄Catalan:Podries... | English:Yes / No🔄Catalan:Sà / No |
English:Maybe🔄Catalan:Pot ser | English:Of course🔄Catalan:És clar |
English:Sure🔄Catalan:Segur | English:I think so🔄Catalan:això crec |
English:What are you doing later?🔄Catalan:Què fas després? | English:Do you want to...?🔄Catalan:Vols...? |
English:Let's meet at...🔄Catalan:Ens trobem a... | English:When are you free?🔄Catalan:Quan estàs lliure? |
English:I'll call you🔄Catalan:et trucaré | English:How's it going?🔄Catalan:Com va? |
English:What's new?🔄Catalan:Que hi ha de nou? | English:What do you do? (for work)🔄Catalan:Què fas? (per treballar) |
English:Do you have any plans for the weekend?🔄Catalan:Tens plans per al cap de setmana? | English:It's a nice day, isn't it?🔄Catalan:Fa un bon dia, no? |
English:I like it🔄Catalan:M'agrada | English:I don't like it🔄Catalan:No m'agrada |
English:I love it🔄Catalan:m'encanta | English:I’m tired🔄Catalan:Estic cansat |
English:I’m hungry🔄Catalan:Tinc gana | English:Can I get the bill, please?🔄Catalan:Puc rebre la factura, si us plau? |
English:I’ll have... (when ordering food)🔄Catalan:Tindré... (en demanar menjar) | English:Do you take credit cards?🔄Catalan:Agafeu targetes de crèdit? |
English:Where is the nearest... (store, restaurant, etc.)?🔄Catalan:On és el més proper... (botiga, restaurant, etc.)? | English:How much is this?🔄Catalan:Quant val, això? |
English:Call the police!🔄Catalan:Truca la policia! | English:I need a doctor🔄Catalan:Necessito un metge |
English:Help!🔄Catalan:Ajuda! | English:There's a fire🔄Catalan:Hi ha un foc |
English:I'm lost🔄Catalan:estic perdut | English:Can you show me on the map?🔄Catalan:Em pots mostrar al mapa? |
English:Which way is...?🔄Catalan:De quina manera és...? | English:Is it far from here?🔄Catalan:Està lluny d'aqu� |
English:How long does it take to get there?🔄Catalan:Quant temps es triga en arribar-hi? | English:Can you help me find my way?🔄Catalan:Em pots ajudar a trobar el meu cam� |
English:What time is our meeting?🔄Catalan:A quina hora és la nostra reunió? | English:Could you email me the details?🔄Catalan:Em podries enviar els detalls per correu electrònic? |
English:I need your input on this.🔄Catalan:Necessito la teva aportació sobre això. | English:When is the deadline?🔄Catalan:Quan és el termini? |
English:Let’s discuss this further.🔄Catalan:Parlem d'això més endavant. | English:What are your hobbies?🔄Catalan:Quines són les teves aficions? |
English:Do you like...?🔄Catalan:T'agrada...? | English:Let’s hang out sometime.🔄Catalan:Passem l'estona alguna vegada. |
English:It was nice talking to you.🔄Catalan:Ha estat bé parlar amb tu. | English:What’s your favorite...?🔄Catalan:Quin és el teu preferit...? |
English:I agree.🔄Catalan:Estic dacord. | English:I don’t think so.🔄Catalan:No ho crec. |
English:That’s a good idea.🔄Catalan:És una bona idea. | English:I’m not sure about that.🔄Catalan:No n'estic segur. |
English:I see your point, but...🔄Catalan:Veig el teu punt de vista, però... | English:This is urgent.🔄Catalan:Això és urgent. |
English:Please prioritize this.🔄Catalan:Si us plau, prioritzeu això. | English:It’s important that we...🔄Catalan:És important que nosaltres... |
English:We need to act quickly.🔄Catalan:Hem d'actuar rà pidament. | English:This can’t wait.🔄Catalan:Això no pot esperar. |
English:Why don’t we...?🔄Catalan:Per què no...? | English:How about...?🔄Catalan:Què hi ha de...? |
English:Let’s consider...🔄Catalan:Considerem... | English:Maybe we could...?🔄Catalan:Potser podrÃem...? |
English:What if we...?🔄Catalan:I si nosaltres...? | English:It’s so hot today.🔄Catalan:Avui fa molta calor. |
English:I hope it doesn’t rain.🔄Catalan:Espero que no plogui. | English:The weather is perfect for...🔄Catalan:El temps és perfecte per... |
English:It’s chilly outside.🔄Catalan:A fora fa fred. | English:I heard it’s going to snow.🔄Catalan:He sentit que nevarà . |
English:What are your plans for the weekend?🔄Catalan:Quins són els vostres plans per al cap de setmana? | English:Are you free next week?🔄Catalan:Ets lliure la setmana que ve? |
English:Let’s make reservations for...🔄Catalan:Fem reserves per... | English:I’m looking forward to...🔄Catalan:Estic esperant a... |
English:I have a lot to do this week.🔄Catalan:Tinc moltes coses a fer aquesta setmana. | English:You look nice today.🔄Catalan:Estàs bé avui. |
English:That’s a great idea.🔄Catalan:És una bona idea. | English:You did a fantastic job.🔄Catalan:Has fet una feina fantà stica. |
English:I admire your...🔄Catalan:Admiro el teu... | English:You’re very talented.🔄Catalan:Ets molt talentós. |
English:I’m sorry for...🔄Catalan:Ho sento per... | English:I apologize if...🔄Catalan:Demano disculpes si... |
English:No problem at all.🔄Catalan:Cap problema en absolut. | English:It’s okay.🔄Catalan:Està bé. |
English:Thank you for understanding.🔄Catalan:Grà cies per entendre. | English:How's everything going?🔄Catalan:Com va tot? |
English:I appreciate your help.🔄Catalan:Agraeixo la teva ajuda. | English:That sounds interesting.🔄Catalan:Això sona interessant. |
English:Could you explain that again?🔄Catalan:Podries tornar-ho a explicar? | English:Let's find a solution.🔄Catalan:Anem a buscar una solució. |
English:Where did you go for vacation?🔄Catalan:On vas anar de vacances? | English:Do you have any suggestions?🔄Catalan:Tens algun suggeriment? |
English:I'm really excited about this opportunity.🔄Catalan:Estic molt emocionat amb aquesta oportunitat. | English:Can I borrow your pen?🔄Catalan:Puc demanar en préstec la teva ploma? |
English:I'm not feeling well today.🔄Catalan:Avui no em trobo bé. | English:That's a good question.🔄Catalan:Aquesta és una bona pregunta. |
English:I'll look into it.🔄Catalan:Ho miraré. | English:What's your opinion on...?🔄Catalan:Quina és la teva opinió sobre...? |
English:Let me check my schedule.🔄Catalan:Deixa'm comprovar el meu horari. | English:I completely agree with you.🔄Catalan:Estic completament d'acord amb tu. |
English:Please let me know if there's anything else.🔄Catalan:Si us plau, fes-me saber si hi ha alguna cosa més. | English:I'm not sure I understand.🔄Catalan:No estic segur d'entendre. |
English:That makes sense now.🔄Catalan:Això té sentit ara. | English:I have a question about...🔄Catalan:Tinc una pregunta sobre... |
English:Do you need any help?🔄Catalan:Necessites ajuda? | English:Let’s get started.🔄Catalan:Comencem. |
English:Can I ask you something?🔄Catalan:Et puc preguntar una cosa? | English:What’s going on?🔄Catalan:Què està passant? |
English:Do you need a hand?🔄Catalan:Necessites un cop de mà ? | English:Is there anything I can do for you?🔄Catalan:Hi ha alguna cosa que pugui fer per tu? |
English:I’m here if you need me.🔄Catalan:Estic aquà si em necessites. | English:Let’s grab lunch.🔄Catalan:Agafem el dinar. |
English:I’m on my way.🔄Catalan:Estic de camÃ. | English:Where should we meet?🔄Catalan:On ens hem de trobar? |
English:How’s the weather?🔄Catalan:Com està el temps? | English:Did you hear the news?🔄Catalan:Has sentit la notÃcia? |
English:What did you do today?🔄Catalan:Què has fet avui? | English:Can I join you?🔄Catalan:Puc unir-me a tu? |
English:That’s fantastic news!🔄Catalan:És una notÃcia fantà stica! | English:I’m so happy for you.🔄Catalan:Estic molt feliç per tu. |
English:Congratulations!🔄Catalan:Felicitats! | English:That’s really impressive.🔄Catalan:Això és realment impressionant. |
English:Keep up the good work.🔄Catalan:Mantingues la bona feina. | English:You’re doing great.🔄Catalan:Ho estàs fent molt bé. |
English:I believe in you.🔄Catalan:Crec en tu. | English:You’ve got this.🔄Catalan:Tens això. |
English:Don’t give up.🔄Catalan:No et rendeixis. | English:Stay positive.🔄Catalan:Mantenir una actitud positiva. |
English:Everything will be okay.🔄Catalan:Tot anirà bé. | English:I’m proud of you.🔄Catalan:Estic orgullós de tu. |
English:You’re amazing.🔄Catalan:Ets increïble. | English:You’ve made my day.🔄Catalan:M'has fet el dia. |
English:That’s wonderful to hear.🔄Catalan:Això és meravellós d'escoltar. | English:I appreciate your kindness.🔄Catalan:Agraeixo la teva amabilitat. |
English:Thank you for your support.🔄Catalan:Grà cies pel teu suport. | English:I’m grateful for your help.🔄Catalan:Estic agraït per la vostra ajuda. |
English:You’re a great friend.🔄Catalan:Ets un gran amic. | English:You mean a lot to me.🔄Catalan:Signifiques molt per a mi. |
English:I enjoy spending time with you.🔄Catalan:M'agrada passar temps amb tu. | English:You always know what to say.🔄Catalan:Sempre saps què dir. |
English:I trust your judgment.🔄Catalan:Confio en el teu judici. | English:You’re so creative.🔄Catalan:Ets molt creatiu. |
English:You inspire me.🔄Catalan:M'inspires. | English:You’re so thoughtful.🔄Catalan:Estàs molt pensat. |
English:You’re the best.🔄Catalan:Ets el millor. | English:You’re a great listener.🔄Catalan:Ets un gran oient. |
English:I value your opinion.🔄Catalan:Valoro la teva opinió. | English:I’m so lucky to know you.🔄Catalan:Tinc molta sort de conèixer-te. |
English:You’re a true friend.🔄Catalan:Ets un veritable amic. | English:I’m glad we met.🔄Catalan:M'alegro d'haver-nos conegut. |
English:You have a wonderful sense of humor.🔄Catalan:Tens un sentit de l'humor meravellós. | English:You’re so understanding.🔄Catalan:Ets molt comprensiu. |
English:You’re a fantastic person.🔄Catalan:Ets una persona fantà stica. | English:I enjoy your company.🔄Catalan:Gaudeixo de la teva companyia. |
English:You’re a lot of fun.🔄Catalan:Ets molt divertit. | English:You have a great personality.🔄Catalan:Tens una gran personalitat. |
English:You’re very generous.🔄Catalan:Ets molt generós. | English:You’re a great role model.🔄Catalan:Ets un gran model a seguir. |
English:You’re so talented.🔄Catalan:Ets molt talentós. | English:You’re very patient.🔄Catalan:Ets molt pacient. |
English:You’re very knowledgeable.🔄Catalan:Ets molt coneixedor. | English:You’re a good person.🔄Catalan:Ets una bona persona. |
English:You make a difference.🔄Catalan:Tu fas la diferència. | English:You’re very reliable.🔄Catalan:Ets molt fiable. |
English:You’re very responsible.🔄Catalan:Ets molt responsable. | English:You’re very hardworking.🔄Catalan:Ets molt treballador. |
English:You have a kind heart.🔄Catalan:Tens un cor amable. | English:You’re very compassionate.🔄Catalan:Ets molt compassiu. |
English:You’re very supportive.🔄Catalan:Ets molt solidari. | English:You’re a great leader.🔄Catalan:Ets un gran lÃder. |
English:You’re very dependable.🔄Catalan:Ets molt fiable. | English:You’re very trustworthy.🔄Catalan:Ets molt de confiança. |
English:You’re very honest.🔄Catalan:Ets molt honest. | English:You have a great attitude.🔄Catalan:Tens una gran actitud. |
English:You’re very respectful.🔄Catalan:Ets molt respectuós. | English:You’re very considerate.🔄Catalan:Ets molt considerat. |
English:You’re very thoughtful.🔄Catalan:Ets molt reflexiu. | English:You’re very helpful.🔄Catalan:Ets molt útil. |
English:You’re very friendly.🔄Catalan:Ets molt amable. | English:You’re very polite.🔄Catalan:Ets molt educat. |
English:You’re very courteous.🔄Catalan:Ets molt cortès. | English:You’re very understanding.🔄Catalan:Ets molt comprensiu. |
English:You’re very forgiving.🔄Catalan:Ets molt indulgent. | English:You’re very respectful.🔄Catalan:Ets molt respectuós. |
English:You’re very kind.🔄Catalan:Ets molt amable. | English:You’re very generous.🔄Catalan:Ets molt generós. |
English:You’re very caring.🔄Catalan:Ets molt atent. | English:You’re very loving.🔄Catalan:Ets molt amorós. |
English to Catalan translation means you can translate English languages into Catalan languages. Just type English language text into the text box, and it will easily convert it into Catalan language.
There are a few different ways to translate English to Catalan. The simplest way is just to input your English language text into the left box and it will automatically convert this text into Catalan language for you.
There are some mistakes people make while translating English to Catalan: Not paying attention to the context of the sentence of Catalan language. Using the wrong translation for a word or phrase for English to Catalan translate.
Yes, this English to Catalan translator is very reliable because it's using ML and AI at the backend which is very fast for translating English to Catalan within milliseconds.
Always look for professionals who are native Catalan speakers or have extensive knowledge of the Catalan language to ensure accurate translation. Otherwise, A person who does not have much knowledge of the Catalan language can not help you to have a good translation from English to Catalan.
Yes, it is possible to learn basic English to Catalan translation by yourself. You can start by familiarizing yourself with the Catalan alphabet, basic grammar of Catalan, and commonly used phrases of Catalan. You can also find commenly used phrases of both Catalan and English languages below.Online language learning platforms or textbooks can help you in this process with Catalan after that you will be able to speak both English and Catalan languages.
To learn English to Catalan translation skills you have to move yourself in the Catalan language and culture. Go and meet with Catalan people and ask them what we call this thing in Catalan. It will take some time but one day you will improve your skills in Catalan a lot.
Yes. it also work as Catalan to English translator. You just need to click on swap button between English and Catalan. Now you need to input Catalan langauge and it will gives you output in English language.
La traducció de l'anglès al català significa que podeu traduir idiomes anglesos a idiomes catalans. Només heu d'escriure el text en anglès al quadre de text i el convertirà fà cilment a l'idioma català .
Hi ha algunes maneres diferents de traduir l'anglès al català . La manera més senzilla és introduir el vostre text en anglès al quadre esquerre i convertirà automà ticament aquest text al català .
Hi ha alguns errors que la gent comet mentre tradueix de l'anglès al català : no prestar atenció al context de la frase de la llengua catalana. Utilitzar la traducció incorrecta d'una paraula o frase per traduir l'anglès al català .
SÃ, aquest traductor de l'anglès al català és molt fiable perquè utilitza ML i AI al fons, que és molt rà pid per traduir de l'anglès al català en mil·lisegons.
Busqueu sempre professionals que siguin catalanoparlants nadius o que tinguin amplis coneixements de la llengua catalana per garantir una traducció acurada. En cas contrari, una persona que no tingui massa coneixements de la llengua catalana no et pot ajudar a tenir una bona traducció de l'anglès al català .
SÃ, és possible aprendre la traducció bà sica de l'anglès al català per tu mateix. Podeu començar per familiaritzar-vos amb l'alfabet català , la gramà tica bà sica del català i les frases d'ús habitual del català . També podeu trobar frases d'ús habitual tant en català com en anglès a continuació. Les plataformes d'aprenentatge d'idiomes en lÃnia o els llibres de text us poden ajudar en aquest procés amb el català després d'això podreu parlar tant en anglès com en català .
Per aprendre habilitats de traducció de l'anglès al català cal moure't en la llengua i la cultura catalanes. Aneu a trobar-vos amb catalans i pregunteu-los com en diem això en català . Caldrà temps però algun dia milloraràs molt les teves habilitats en català .
SÃ. també funciona com a traductor de català a anglès. Només has de fer clic al botó d'intercanvi entre anglès i català . Ara heu d'introduir l'idioma català i us donarà sortida en anglès.